中文字幕【中文字幕】Blender+ZBrush三维角色建模渲染教程 Realistic 3D Character Creation
Udemy - Realistic 3D Character Creation Blender+ZBrush三维角色建模渲染教程 R...
收音机和耳机AAA 游戏道具制作初学者指南 AAA Game Props Making For Beginners Radio & Headphone
Skillshare - AAA Game Props Making For Beginners Radio & Headphone 收音...
面向建筑师和 BIM 建模者的虚幻引擎 – 虚拟现实
Udemy - Unreal Engine for Architects & BIM Modelers- Virtual Reality 面...
Flipped Normals - Witcher Manticore Armor Course by Vadim Meshcherekov ZBrus...
中文字幕【中文字幕】Blender+PS 三维概念场景制作工作流程 World Building using Blender
The Gnomon Workshop - World Building using Blender & Photoshop Story Deve...
虚幻引擎:打造经典街机游戏教程 Unreal Engine Create an Arcade Classic
Udemy - Unreal Engine Create an Arcade Classic! 虚幻引擎:打造经典街机游戏教...
Blender喷气式战斗机动画特效教程 Make a Cinematic Jet Fighter Animation In Blender
Udemy - Make a Cinematic Jet Fighter Animation In Blender Blender喷气式战斗...
Zbrush+Blender完整资产创建工作流程 Full Asset Creation Workflow
Udemy - Full Asset Creation Workflow Zbrush+Blender完整资产创建工作流程 Full...
中文字幕【中文字幕】Blender 三维角色雕刻维京版教程 3D character sculpting in Blender – Viking edition
Udemy - 3D character sculpting in Blender - Viking edition Blender 三维角色...
中文字幕【中文字幕】3Ds Max+ZBrush高多边形 AAA 游戏角色创建教程第2部
FastTrackTutorials - AAA Game Character Creation Course - Part 2 ZBrush高多...
3ds max中的PolyClothV2 3D建模教程 3ds max Modeling PolyClothV2 Complete Course
Udemy - 3ds max Modeling PolyClothV2 Complete Course 3ds max中的PolyClothV2 ...
Houdini 高级粒子模拟教程 Advanced Particles Geometry Based Simulations
CGCircuit - Advanced Particles Geometry Based Simulations Houdini 高级粒子模...
MAYA刚体流体特效全面基础教程 Maya Bootcamp – Projects Based Course
Udemy - Maya Bootcamp - Projects Based Course MAYA刚体流体特效全面基础教程 M...
中文字幕【中文字幕】Houdini自然场景环境制作教程 Mastering Environment Creation In Houdini
Rebelway] - Mastering Environment creation in Houdini Houdini自然场景环境制...
中文字幕【中文字幕】Houdini 破坏爆炸流体模拟教程 Sapphire FX – Houdini Ship Destruction
Sapphire FX - Houdini Ship Destruction Houdini 破坏爆炸流体模拟教程 Sapphire...
Blender基础入门教程 Switching to Blender for Experienced Artists
Flipped Normals - Switching to Blender for Experienced Artists Blender基础入...
Blender+Zbrush斧头与匕首全流程三维建模教程 Axe & Dagger – Tutorial Full Process
Flipped Normals - Axe & Dagger - Tutorial Full Process Blender+Zbrush斧...
中文字幕【中文字幕】Blender 脸部绑定教程 Face Rigging in Blender Tutorial
Flipped Normals - Face Rigging in Blender Tutorial Blender 脸部绑定教程 Face...
MAYA硬表面车辆三维建模教程 Modeling For Film & TV Hard-Surface Vehicles
The Gnomon Workshop - Modeling For Film & TV Hard-Surface Vehicles MAYA...
Maya三维科幻电影道具设计教程 Designing Sci-Fi Props for Film
The Gnomon Workshop - Designing Sci-Fi Props for Film Maya三维科幻电影道具设...
中文字幕【中文字幕】使用 SpeedTree 创建高分辨率自定义树 Creating High-Resolution Custom Trees Using SpeedTree
The Gnomon Workshop - Creating High-Resolution Custom Trees Using SpeedTree ...
Maya 三维建模基础教程 FlippedNormals – Introduction to Modeling in Maya
FlippedNormals - Introduction to Modeling in Maya Maya 三维建模基础教程 Flip...
中文字幕【中文字幕】Maya 硬表面3D建模教程 Nexttut – Hardsurface modelling in maya 2022
Nexttut - Hardsurface modelling in maya 2022 Maya 硬表面3D建模教程 Nexttut -...
中文字幕【中文字幕】Houdini 和 Solaris 中的照明和阴影的终极指南 Cinematic Lighting in Houdini
Rebelway - Cinematic Lighting in Houdini Houdini 和 Solaris 中的照明和阴影的...