CGCircuit - Realistic 3D Clothing by Tomas Sackmann MAYA +ZBrush制作逼真3D服...
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Flippednormals - Advanced Environment Mastery 3D大型环境建模贴图渲染课程 Fli...
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Mastering Broken Tile Type Materials in Substance Designer Substance Designe...
2024-09-14 399 0免费

Motion Design School – 3D Character Design Partymaker ZBrush三维卡通人物建模...
2024-08-23 427 0 5

Motion Design School - Maya Modeling Essentials Maya 基础建模和 Substance Pa...
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Use Blender and Substance Painter to create This classic car Blender 和 Subs...
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Charming Cottage in Blender Substance Painter UE 53 掌握 Blender、Substance ...
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Unreal Engine 5, Blender - Creating a Classroom Environment 虚幻引擎5 Blende...
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Prop Creation for Games Medieval Well 游戏道具制作中世纪之井教程 Prop Creati...
2024-07-24 474 0免费

Mastering 3D Modeling, Unwrapping, and Texturing a Train 3Dmax火车建模纹理展...
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Substance Painter 大师课程 Substance Painter 大师课程 23 小时讲述 Substance...
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完整指南大师班 Substance Painter和Unreal Engine中创建 AAA 游戏资产 Substanc...
2024-05-02 598 0 5

左轮手枪纹理教程 Revolver Texturing Tutorial 这是一个中级教程,面向对如何...
2024-04-30 640 0免费

终极风格化角色创作课程 Gumroad - Ultimate Stylized Character Creation Cours...
2024-04-30 610 0 5

Blender和Subsance Painter为Unity创建专业游戏资产 Blender Cyberpunk in Unity...
2024-04-16 604 0 5

虚幻引擎UE5创建传统中式室内环境 Creating a Traditional Chinese Room Environ...
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从零开始创造一个AAA游戏角色无名武士 Creating a AAA character from Scratch A...
2024-02-27 670 0 15
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