表面缺陷水渍纹理高光遮罩贴图 Surface Imperfections – Water Stains Pack
Surface Imperfections - Water Stains Pack 高品质 4K 16 位水渍纹理 ...
表面缺陷污垢和划痕高光遮罩贴图 Surface Imperfections – Dirt & Scratches Pack
Surface Imperfections - Dirt & Scratches Pack 高品质 4K 16 位污垢...
100 个工作室HDRI全景环境贴图 Artstation – 100 Studio Light HDRI Vol 3
Artstation - 100 Studio Light HDRI Vol 3 使用此包将一系列不同的高质量 ...
30个水或水泥砂浆渗漏Alpha贴图 30 Leaking Alpha – Vol 04
30 泄漏阿尔法 - 第 04 卷 30 Leaking Alpha - Vol 04 通过使用这些阿尔法...
100种瑕疵不完美高光遮罩贴图 100 Imperfection Texture – Vol.06( 4K In PNG )
100 Imperfection Texture - Vol.06( 4K In PNG ) 通过使用这些纹理,您可...
100种木材缺陷不完美高光遮罩贴图 100 Wood Imperfection Texture – Vol.03
100 Wood Imperfection Texture - Vol.03 通过使用这些纹理,您可以在木质...
110个基于照片的多用途高光遮罩无缝贴图 110 Photo-based Multipurpose Seamless Grunges
110 Photo-based Multipurpose Seamless Grunges 一组基于照片的纹理,可用...
500个Alphas可平铺图案 500 Alphas Tileable Patterns Vol 2
500 Alphas Tileable Patterns Vol 2 这是一组 500 个各种 4k PNG 图案。 ...
120+ 黑白蒙版风化木材和划痕彩绘墙壁 120+ Stencil library Grunge – Flakes – Weathered wood & Scratches + painted walls series 01
120+ Stencil library Grunge - Flakes - Weathered wood & Scratches + p...
30个金属Alpha无缝可平铺 30 Metal Alphas (Seamless and Tileable – Vol 01)
30 Metal Alphas (Seamless and Tileable - Vol 01) 这些 alpha 可用于各种...
30个皮革Alpha无缝可平铺 30 Leather Alphas (Seamless and Tileable – Vol 01)
30 Leather Alphas (Seamless and Tileable - Vol 01) 这些 alpha 可用于各...
100个实用木质缺陷高光遮罩贴图 MEGA PACK – 100 Practical and useful WOOD Stencil imperfection
MEGA PACK - 100 Practical and useful WOOD Stencil imperfection 为了加...
高品质缺陷高光遮罩贴图 High Quality Useful Grunge Stencil Imperfection vol.2
🔸 如果您正在寻找一些特别的东西添加到您的 3D 作品中,我们的市场就是您的最...
HDRI摄影棚照明 Artstation – Photo Studio Light Plates HDRI vol 3.0
Artstation - Photo Studio Light Plates HDRI vol 3.0 一组 17 个 HDRI 板,采...
HDRI摄影棚照明 Artstation – Photo Studio Light Plates HDRI vol 2.0
Artstation - Photo Studio Light Plates HDRI vol 2.0 一组 *.hdr 文件格式的 ...
200个实用缺陷高光遮罩贴图 ArtStation – MEGA PACK 200 Practical and useful Stencil imperfection VOL 3
ArtStation - MEGA PACK 200 Practical and useful Stencil imperfection VOL 3 ...
20种纺织面料贴图 Artstation – Flippednormals Fabric Textures package
20种纺织面料贴图 Artstation - Flippednormals Fabric Textures package 提供...
1200 Practical Alpha Seamless and Tileable Stencil Imperfections (MEGA Pack) – Vol 11
1200 Practical Alpha Seamless and Tileable Stencil Imperfections (MEGA Pack...
72种木材表面缺陷高光遮罩贴图 ArtStation – Wood surface Imperfection Vol 03
Wood surface Imperfection Vol 03 72 种木材表面缺陷纹理 一包 72 种照片级...
100个实用缺陷高光遮罩贴图 ArtStation – MEGA PACK 100 Practical and useful Stencil imperfection VOL 4
ArtStation - MEGA PACK 100 Practical and useful Stencil imperfection VOL 4 ...
114种无缝金属缺陷高光遮罩贴图 ArtStation – 114 Metal Imperfection Seamless – Vol 2
ArtStation - 114 Metal Imperfection Seamless - Vol 2 114 种无缝金属缺陷的...
82个染色瑕疵无缝高光遮罩贴图 ArtStation – 82 Stain Imperfection Seamless – Vol3
ArtStation - 82 Stain Imperfection Seamless - Vol3 收集 82 种无缝染色缺陷...