【中文字幕】The Gnomon Workshop - Building Natural Environments using Gaea &a...
5天前 236 0 5

【中文字幕】CGCircuit - The Faroe Islands in Houdini Houdini 法罗群岛环境创...
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【中文字幕】CGCircuit - PBD Cloth Tearing in Houdini Houdini布料撕裂特效教程...
5天前 218 0免费

【中文字幕】CGCookie - Creating Stunning Volumetric Clouds & Skies with H...
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【中文字幕】CGCircuit - Water Explosion in Houdini Houdini 水面爆炸特效教程 ...
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【中文字幕】Cgcookie - Modeling Realistic Characters with Blender Blender 角...
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【中文字幕】CGCookie - The Blender and Substance Texturing Workflow Blender ...
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CGCookie - Fundamentals of Texturing in Blender Blender 纹理贴图基础知识教程...
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【中文字幕】CGCookie - Fundamentals of Digital Lighting in Blender Blender数...
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CGCookie - Create a VFX shot in Blender Alien Abduction Blender外星飞船劫持...
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【中文字幕】CGCookie - POTHEAD Create a Hard Surface Character in Blender Bl...
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【中文字幕】CGCookie - CUBICITY Creating and Utilizing Asset Libraries with B...
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【中文字幕】CGCircuit - PyroFluid – Master the Elements Houdini 爆炸特效制作...
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【中文字幕】CGcircuit - VDB Fracturing in Houdini English Houdini VDB 系统创...
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【中文字幕】CGCookie - ASTRAY Environment Building Workflow in Blender Blend...
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【中文字幕】CGCookie - OFF-ROAD Rig and Animate an RC Monster Truck in Blende...
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【中文字幕】CGCircuit - Creating Realistic Grooming using Xgen in Maya Maya...
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CGCookie - Press Start Blender初学者建模纹理和照明教程 CGCookie - Press Star...
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【中文字幕】CGCircuit - Advanced Destruction - Lightning Strike Houdini闪电...
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Rebelway - Advanced Asset Creation In Houdini For VFX And Games Houdini为游...
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【中文字幕】CGCookie - MODIFY - A complete guide on Blender's modifiers Blen...
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【中文字幕】CGCircuit - Sand Bag Tearing in Houdini Houdini沙袋撕裂特效教程 ...
1周前 234 0 5

【中文字幕】RebelWay - Master The Art of Magical FX  Houdini Houdini 魔法特...
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【中文字幕】Rebelway - Advanced Water FX Houdini 高级水特效教程 Rebelway - A...
2周前 230 0 10
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