中文字幕【中文字幕】Houdini 法罗群岛环境创建教程 CGCircuit – The Faroe Islands in Houdini
【中文字幕】CGCircuit - The Faroe Islands in Houdini
Houdini 法罗群岛环境创...
中文字幕【中文字幕】ZBrush制作动漫角色3D打印模型教程 Turning Anime Characters Into 3D Printable Models
【中文字幕】Coloso - Turning Anime Characters Into 3D Printable Models
中文字幕【中文字幕】Marmoset工具包女性面部制作完整流程 Female Bust Course in Marmoset Toolbag
【中文字幕】Female Bust Course in Marmoset Toolbag
中文字幕【中文字幕】 60个系统学习休闲插画知识教程 The 60-Chapter Anime-Style Character Illustration Class
【中文字幕】Coloso - The 60-Chapter Anime-Style Character Illustration Class
【中文字幕】Houdini 自动扶梯程序建模教程 Houdini Tutorial Procedural Modeling [escalator]
【中文字幕】Houdini Tutorial Procedural Modeling [escalator]
Houdini 自动扶...
中文字幕【中文字幕】SpeedTree摄影测量法为游戏创建沼泽场景Creating a Swamp Scene for Games with SpeedTree & Photogrammetry
【中文字幕】The Gnomon Workshop - Creating a Swamp Scene for Games with Speed...
中文字幕【中文字幕】MaYa+Nuke电影镜头布光和合成全流程教程 Cinematic Lighting Shot Production
The Gnomon Workshop - Cinematic Lighting Shot Production
中文字幕【中文字幕】CR官方终极渲染课程灯光材质构图和动画艺术 The Ultimate Corona Official Course
The Ultimate Corona Official Course
ZBrush人物角色3D建模从初级到高级课程 ZBrush Beginner to Advanced Course on Three Miniatures
Udemy - ZBrush Beginner to Advanced Course on Three Miniatures
中文字幕【中文字幕】MAYA身体力学动画教程 Maya for Animators – Body Mechanics
The Gnomon Workshop - Maya for Animators - Body Mechanics
Unreal Engine5 3D建筑与设计完全指南 Complete Guide to Unreal Engine 5 3D Architecture & Design
Udemy - Complete Guide to Unreal Engine 5 3D Architecture & Design
【中文字幕】Houdini 高效特效艺术家所需的数学知识 Rebelway – Math For FX Artists
Rebelway - Math For FX Artists
Houdini 高效特效艺术家所需的数学知识 Rebelway...
中文字幕【中文字幕】虚幻引擎5 照明基础知识 Unreal Engine 5 Lighting Fundamentals
The Gnomon Workshop - Unreal Engine 5 Lighting Fundamentals
虚幻引擎5 照明基...
中文字幕【中文字幕】Blender 中的游戏和电影概念艺术教程 + BLEND 文件
Concept Art for Games N Movies in Blender
Blender 中的游戏和电影概念艺术教程...
Maya 三维建模基础教程 FlippedNormals – Introduction to Modeling in Maya
FlippedNormals - Introduction to Modeling in Maya
Maya 三维建模基础教程 Flip...
Blender 极简主义3D建模渲染教程 SESSIONS Minimalism
CGCookie - SESSIONS Minimalism
Blender 极简主义3D建模渲染教程 SESSIONS Minim...
Substance Painter 有机实时纹理完整课程 Organic Real Time Texturing in Substance Painter Full Course Iguana
Organic Real Time Texturing in Substance Painter Full Course Iguana
中文字幕【中文字幕】3ds Max & Corona室内效果图建模贴图渲染教程
Udemy - Interior Design Visualization 3ds Max Corona Essentials
3ds Max &...
Blender 风格化环境课程 Blender Stylized Environment Course
Udemy - Blender Stylized Environment Course
Blender 风格化环境课程 Blender S...
3Ds Max Vray | Corona 生态自行车3D建模和渲染教程
Udemy - Eco Bike 3D Modeling and Rendering 3Ds Max to Vray Corona
3Ds Max Vr...
Substance Painter 包、靴子、帽子和手套纹理资产制作教程
Udemy - Texturing HighEnd Fashion and Tactical Assets
Substance Painter 包、...