3Dmax火车建模纹理展开完整工作流程 Mastering 3D Modeling, Unwrapping, and Texturing a Train
Mastering 3D Modeling, Unwrapping, and Texturing a Train
Vray照片级真实感照明教程 Photorealistic Lighting with 3ds Max Vray
Photorealistic Lighting with 3ds Max Vray
Vray照片级真实感照明教程 Photoreal...
Blender初学者3D建模教程 Blender Subway Interior Modeling
Blender Subway Interior Modeling
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Blender从基础到高级教程 Learn 3d with Blender – Fundamentals to Advanced
Learn 3d with Blender - Fundamentals to Advanced
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Blender 4.2 模拟节点掌握动画和模拟教程
Blender 42 Simulation Nodes Master Advanced Simulations
Blender 4.2 模拟节点...
Blender4精通课程:模型组装技术 Blender 4 Mastery Techniques for Model Assembly
Blender 4 Mastery Techniques for Model Assembly
掌握 Blender、Substance Painter 和 Unreal Engine 创建迷人的小屋环境
Charming Cottage in Blender Substance Painter UE 53
掌握 Blender、Substance ...
Blender低多边形手掌建模第 1 卷 Low Poly Hand Modelling In Blender vol 1
Low Poly Hand Modelling In Blender vol 1
Blender低多边形手掌建模第 1 卷 Low ...
Blender 4:3D模块化建模和Kitbash环境指南 Blender 4: The Modular and Kitbash Environment Guide
Blender 4 The Modular and Kitbash Environment Guide
Blender 4:3D模块化建模...
3ds max 2025 基础知识教程 3ds max 2025 Fundamentals and MasterClass
3ds max 2025 Fundamentals and MasterClass
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中文字幕【中文字幕】CGCircuit – Introduction to Vray in Houdini
CGCircuit - Introduction to Vray in Houdini
中文字幕【中文字幕】Corona室内外渲染大师班 OF3D Academy – RenderClass
OF3D Academy – RenderClass
Corona室内外渲染大师班 OF3D Academy – RenderClass...
中文字幕【中文字幕】C4D动画大师班 Motion Masterclass by Jonathan Lindgren
Motion Masterclass by Jonathan Lindgren
C4D动画大师班 Motion Masterclass by ...
中文角色概念设计防爆机甲与宇宙骑士 Character Concept Design Explosion-proof Mecha and Universe Knight
Character Concept Design Explosion-proof Mecha and Univer
使用Blender 4几何节点创建风格化的3D环境
Stylized 3D Environments with Blender 4 Geometry Nodes
使用Blender 4几何节点...
中文字幕【中文字幕】3Ds MAX 和 Phoenix FD 火焰与烟雾VFX模拟大师班
3Ds MAX & Phoenix FD Fire & Smoke VFX Simulation Masterclass
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中文字幕【中文字幕】Houdini 爆炸特效教程 Rebelway – Advanced Explosion FX
Rebelway - Advanced Explosion FX
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【中文字幕】Coloso - Fun 3D character modeling using Blender
Blender 卡通3D...
Houdini能量特效教程 Houdini FX Vellum and Energy Effects
Houdini FX Vellum and Energy Effects
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中文字幕【中文字幕】Blender效果器功能完整教程 Modify: A Complete Guide To Blender’s Modifiers
【中文字幕】CGCookie - MODIFY - A complete guide on Blender's modifiers
Blender外星飞船劫持场景特效教程 Create a VFX shot in Blender: Alien Abduction
CGCookie - Create a VFX shot in Blender Alien Abduction